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Pink Bubbles


大赛分组 Contestants Grouping

▪ 活力組 45 歲或以下參賽者,下不設限

   Energetic Group – Adult contestants age of 45 or under

▪ 優雅組 46 歲以上參賽者,年齡上不封頂

   Dynamic Group - Contestant over the age of 46 and no age limit

▪ 相片:提交全身、半身近照各一張

   Photo : provide full body & half body one each

▪ 報名費:加幣一百元 (完成報名程序後,參賽者無論任何理由退賽,報名費都不予退還)

   Application fee: CAD 100.00 (After completing the registration process, the registration fee cannot be refunded to the participant for any reason)


▪ 注意事項:參賽者的旗袍、晚裝及個人才藝表演所需的服裝及設備需要自備
   Important Note:The Qipao, evening dress, all clothing and talent performance equipment must be prepared and responsible by the contestant

▪ 參賽者必須是媽媽

   The contestant must be a mother

▪ 團體賽人數不限,收費標準:4 人以內 CAD 100.00,超過 4 人每人 CAD 25.00 
   Unlimited number of teams competition, Fee: CAD100 for up to 4 people, CAD25 for an additional person with over 4 people



凡參加本屆國際辣媽大賽加拿大準決賽及決賽的選手所有影像資料版權歸《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 大賽組委會》擁有,沒有征得《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 大賽組委會》同意,任何人不得買賣和使用大賽商標及影像資料,違者將追究其法律責任。 參賽者獲獎後以辣媽的名義參加任何與《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 大賽組委會》無 關的公開活動,必須通知《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 大賽組委會》在獲得書面同意 後才可進行。
《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 國際辣媽大賽》設立了律師顧問團,大賽最終獲獎結果 將有法律效力,參賽辣媽不可有違反大賽精神 、傷害他人及傷害社會的言行,不得對主辦方、承辦方和 其他選手作任何不當的評論和攻擊,情節嚴重者大賽組委會有權取消其辣媽獲獎榮譽,並向全世界通報 聲明取消其獲獎者資格的原因。

Competition Rules:

All images and materials of the contestants participating in the semi-finals and finals of the 2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada Competition belong to the "2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada Competition Organizing Committee". It is agreed that no one may buy, sell and use the contested trademark and image materials, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibility.

Contestants who participate in any public activities in the name of Hot MaMa after winning the award that are not related to the 2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada Competition Organizing Committee must notify the 2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada Competition Organizing Committee and obtain written consent before they can do so.

The 2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada International Hot MaMa Competition has set up a legal advisory group. The final winning award of the competition will have legal effect. The participating Hot MaMa must not violate the spirit of the competition, hurt others or harm the society including the organizers and co- organizers, verbally or physically. In serious cases, the contest organizing committee has the right to revoke their Hot MaMa award, and inform the public about the reasons for disqualifying the winner.


▪ 報名日期:2022 年 7 月 8 日 09:00am

▪ 截止報名日期:2022 年 9 月 8 日 11:59pm


Competition Procedure:

Registration Starting Date: July 10, 2022 09:00am

Deadline for registration: September 8, 2022 11:59pm


9 月 11 日開始每個星期天 1:30pm - 3:30pm, 安排化妝、服飾搭配、美姿美儀、台風、演講等 4 次免費培訓。


Pre-competition Training:

Provide 4 free training sessions on makeup, costume matching, beauty, stage posture, speech, etc. (1:30 pm - 3:30 pm every Sunday starting from September 11th)


評委團由專業評委和嘉賓評委組成。專業評委將以百分制打分,嘉賓評委以十分制打分。評委之間不能 互相溝通打分,組委會將保留原始憑證並安排兩名監票員同時進行計分,以此互相監督確保計分無誤, 並特邀律師公證人監票以確保大賽公平、公正的原則。


開場舞:勁歌熱舞辣媽驚艷亮相 (所有參賽者集體跳舞)

第一環節: 準決賽旗袍展示,(個人介紹+和主持人問答互動)

第二環節: 準決賽禮服展示,(鼓勵家庭成員參與、親子互動)



  個人才藝展示 進入總決賽的選手個人才藝展示
(注 : 可以有嘉賓助陣參與才藝表演,以家庭、夫妻、朋友組合都可以參與表演。)

頒獎典禮(大禮服) 由主評委和嘉賓評委評審出各獎項的得主並進行頒獎儀式,包括廚藝獎 (注:二組的冠、亞、季、殿軍在進入決賽的選手中產生;其它的單項獎在所有參賽選手中產生)


Judging Rules:

The jury is composed of professional judges and guest judges. Professional judges will score on a 100-point scale, and guest judges will score on a 10-point scale. The judges cannot communicate with each other to score, the organizing committee will keep the original records and arrange two scrutineers to score at the same time, so as to supervise each other to ensure the scoring is correct, and invite lawyers and notaries to monitor the votes to ensure the fairness of the competition rules.

Final and semi-final night schedule

Opening dance: (all contestants dance together)

First part:

   Semi-final Qipao display, (personal introduction + Q&A session)

Second part:

   Semi-final formal dress code, (encourage family members to participate, parent-child interaction) Contestants will be announced if they are entering the final in the third part & fourth part

Third part:

   Personal talent show
   Individual talent show of the finalists
(Note: There can be guests to help out in the talent show, and families, couples, and friends can participate in the performance.)

Fourth part:

   Awards Ceremony (Formal clothing)
   The main judges and guest judges will judge the winners of each award and hold the award ceremony, including the culinary award) 

   (Note: The judges will determine the top four contestants in each group; other individual awards will be generated among all the contestants)


需提前在 10 月 1 日完成比賽
(注:所有參賽者必須親自下廚,自拍 3-5 分鐘視頻,介紹食材及烹調過程,可上傳網站或電郵 或把視頻遞交到加拿大餐飲總會,地址: Unit 120-1200 73rd Avenue West, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5, Canada 如參賽者進入準決賽,視頻也可作為個人才藝表演在大會上播放)


Cooking Competition:

The cooking competition must be completed by October 1
(Note: All contestants must cook by themselves, take a 3-5 minute selfie video, introduce the ingredients and

cooking process, upload to the website or email or submit the video copy in USB Drive to the Canadian Catering Association located at Unit 120-1200 73rd Avenue West, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5, Canada. The video may also be shown at the event as an individual talent show if the contestant reaches the semi-finals)


亚军将获得:皇冠、绶带、奖杯、及价值不低于 $3,000加币的奖品
季军将获得:皇冠、绶带、奖杯、及价值不低于 $1,000加币的奖品
殿军将获得皇冠、绶带、奖杯、及价值不低于 $500加币的奖品
2)网络红人奖、现场最佳人气奖、最佳厨艺奖及最佳视频奖将获得皇冠、绶带及价值不低于 $300加币的奖品 


以上一切解释、修正权归《2022 Hot MaMa International Pageant Canada 大赛组委会》拥有


Cooking Competition:

▪  The competition will determine the top four contestants in each group,
16 individual awards and 3 culinary awards
The Champion will receive: a cape, crown, ribbon, trophy, and prizes valued at least CAD5,000 1st Runner-up will receive: a crown, ribbon, trophy, and prizes valued at least CAD3,000
2nd Runner-up will receive: a crown, ribbon, trophy, and prizes valued at least CAD1,000
3rd Runner-up will receive: a crown, ribbon, trophy, and prizes of at least CAD500

▪  Internet Celebrity Award, Best Popularity Award, Best Cooking Award and Best Video Award will receive crowns, ribbons and prizes of at least CAD300

▪   All individual award winners will be bestowed with crowns and ribbons

▪  The winning team of the team competition will receive a ribbon and a team award certificate

▪  All registered contestants will receive a certificate of participation issued by the competition organizing committee

All the above interpretation and correction rights belong to the “2022 Hot MaMa Canada Organizing Committee”

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